Let’s begin with books
Mama Rising, by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz
This book cracked me wide open and made me feel so seen - I finished it in a single day. Amy bravely and vulnerably shares her experience and dives deeply into matrescence, the life-altering change all women experience when they become a mother.
Women Who Run with the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes
This book is a life-changer for women of any age. Clarissa leads us back to our wild nature through the ancient art of storytelling. Her words are profound and heartfelt, sparking a-ha after a-ha in me as I read.
By the author who wrote Quiet, the Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, Bittersweet takes us into the beauty of light and dark. The timing of this read was perfect as I was mourning the loss of our 15-year-old pup and I was swimming pretty deeply in the darkness. I’ve always tended toward the bittersweet (emotional music, crying easily, becoming overwhelmed with emotion in an everyday moment), so, like Quiet, this book made me feel seen in a way I hadn’t been before.
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert
One word - curiosity. Elizabeth takes the pressure of discovering your passion and meaning and guides you gently, lovingly and humorously to follow your curiosity above all else.
Chasing Slow, by Erin Loechner
Written by the luminous Erin Loechner, this book chronicles her life and her search for slow. In today’s fast-paced life, we could all use more slow in our lives, she shares. Erin takes us through some of the areas to focus on if we’re in search of more slow living.
Choose Wonder Over Worry, by Amber Rae
Gosh, do I just love Amber Rae. Not only is her book delightful to immerse yourself in visually, it’s the most perfect combination of hearing about someone else’s experience and doing the work yourself. Yet, it doesn’t really feel like “work” the way Amber introduces and approaches it. Amber gave me the idea to write to and hear directly from my feelings.
Inward, by Yung Pueblo
Where to even begin with Yung Pueblo. He seemingly came out of nowhere and has amassed a large following in a short time - and it’s no wonder why. A few lines, a few words even, can cut right to the heart. He concisely casts emotion, life, love, struggle into such clarity. His second book Clarity & Connection is also phenomenal. His third book, Lighter, comes out in October.
Heart Minded, by Sarah Blondin
I can’t say enough about Sarah Blondin. This was another book that made me feel incredibly and utterly seen. Sarah is also a mom and she talks about her struggles with presence and how that has impacted her family life. The book is full of vulnerable moments, darkness and light, and so much love. You’ll also receive exclusive meditations when you purchase the book – and her meditations are profound.
The Crossroads of Should and Must, by Elle Luna
This was one of the first books I read that really introduced me to the idea of listening to that voice inside, your true self, and allowing it to lead you toward the life that lights you up.
The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong & Braving the Wilderness, by Brené Brown
Many of you are already familiar with Brené Brown, so she likely needs no introduction, but perhaps this can serve as a reminder of the amazing wisdom of her observations and the power of vulnerability.
The Power of Now & A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle
Another author who likely needs no introduction. Eckhart’s books helped to bring me out of my postpartum fog and lead me back to my deepest knowing. I sat in a coffee shop on Sunday mornings for a month or two reading the Power of Now and working through some s**t. Yep, I was that girl crying by herself at the coffee shop! I had had the book on my shelf for years and, like books tend to do, it called to me at just the right time.
The Untethered Soul & The Surrender Experiment, by Michael Singer
The Untethered Soul was a book I bought a long time ago, started to read and put it down - it wasn’t the right time. When I picked it back up again postpartum, my soul felt seen and heard and it brought so much light into my darkness. The Surrender Experiment was a fascinating and inspiring read about the author’s journey through life and allowing the flow to take him where it may. Big fan of Michael’s work.
Parenting Without Power Struggles & Parenting with Presence, by Susan Stiffelman
I don’t often recommend “parenting books,” but I continue to feel a strong camaraderie with Susan Stiffelman. She speaks with a calming and confident voice, encouraging us to look beneath the behaviors and struggles to what lies underneath - for both our kids and ourselves. She is a strong believer in the idea that we have the exact kids we need, ones that encourage our personal growth and realizations. In addition, much of what she teaches is in line with the work of Eckhart Tolle, leading him to provide a Forward for Parenting with Presence.
Podcast Episodes
The Melissa Ambrosini Show with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz
If you’re interested in learning more about matrescence, episode 430 is a great place to start. In this episode, Melissa interviews Amy Taylor-Kabbaz. This is the place I first heard about matrescence and the experience was profound. This led to me purchasing and devouring Amy’s book, and diving much deeper into learning about matrescence.
Happy Mama Movement with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz
If you’re in the early years of raising kids and trying to figure out where you and your calling/work fit in, give Episode #74 a listen (and have the tissues ready)!
Inner Voice Resources
If you’re searching for the part of yourself that is always calm, content, loving and peaceful, you need look no further than inward. We each have an Inner Voice that speaks clearly within us. Below are some suggestions from the fabulous Bella Lively on how to get started with this work, and what it can look like.
After training and being certified as an Inner Voice Facilitator, I hosted classes for Bella Lively’s community. You can now find them for FREE in the Alively Library on Bella’s site below.
Meditations to Enjoy
Nicole Perkins of Metaphysical Me: Nicole, a fellow certified Inner Voice facilitator, has some incredible meditations and channeled works on her YouTube channel here. I love her Inner Voice Experience Meditation.
Sarah Blondin: Sarah’s meditative podcast, Live Awake, is available free on Insight Timer. Her work cracked open something big for me, especially her episode, “Loving and Listening to Yourself”.
Deepak Chopra & Oprah Series: These 21-day meditation series are made periodically available for free. Check the website for the latest information, or peruse all the series if you’re interested in purchasing one at any time.